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Fixed in 0.1.18-preview



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Issue ID




[Linux Toolchain] Constant warning on script compilation when LinuxIL2CPP player not installed

Package: Toolchain Linux x64


Reproduction steps:
1. Don't have the Linux module installed.
2. Open attached project ""
3. In Project window, open Assets/Test.cs
4. In script editor, uncomment line 10 and save script
5. Observe editor's Console window

Expected result: No warnings in Console
Actual result: "Build target directory for LinuxStandaloneSupport does not exist!" warnings in Console

Reproducible with: 0.1.15-preview (2019.4.29f1, 2020.1.14f1, 2020.2.0b12, 2021.1.0a6)
Could not test with: 2018.4.29f1 (Toolchain Linux package unavailable)

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