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[Linux] GUI error when creating graphs from the welcome windows

Package: Visual Scripting


*Reproducible on:*
* VS version: 1.7.7
* Editor version: 2021.2.8f1
* Platform: Ubuntu 20.4

*Steps to Reproduce:*
# On the Project window create e new script graph.
# Go to Window/VisualScripting/VisualScripting Graph
# Click to Open an existing graph and click on the graph that was previously created.
# Close it and go back to the same window
# Click to Create a new Script graph and create it (it can be anywhere, browning to open again an existing graph).

*Actual Results:*
* Error related to the GUI window appears in the console, but the graph opens.

*Expected Results:*
* Graph should open but no errors should be thrown in the console.

  1. Resolution Note:

    This issue has been closed because we know with certainty that we will not be able to address it in the coming year.
    We understand that it is personally important enough for you to have filed a bug report, and we are sorry that we will not be able to address it in a timely fashion, but we have to address bugs in order of impact, and this one is really minor compare to the other issues listed in our backlog.

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