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[Linux][Editor] Partial Commit only works when the Collab menu is already open



This may also be a UI issue, like the Collab menu is refreshed at a wrong time.

1. Download attached project
2. Set up Collaborate for the project:
a. Go to Service window (Ctrl + 0)
b. Choose organization and create a new project.
c. In Service window, click Collaborate
d. Turn on Collab
3. Right click a modified file in the Project window, choose Collaborate -> Publish
4. Collab menu opens and observe the file listed in it
5. Click anywhere in the Editor to make the Collab menu go away
6. Click on the Collab button on the top to open the Collab menu again
7. Leave the menu open, right click on the modified file and choose Collaborate -> Publish again
8. Observe the Collab menu

User can do partial commit anytime.

  1. Resolution Note:

    There are two issues present in this bug:

    1) The Collab Toolbar is offset from the button. The Collab Team is heads down working on New Collab, which will replace the current popup toolbar with a dockable window.

    2) In some cases, the first attempt to use partial publish continues to list all available changes in the toolbar. Subsequent uses of partial publish work as intended. This behavior will also be fixed for New Collab and the bug in its current form is not a work stopper.

    Fixing these issues will take up our limited bandwidth to work on New Collab. Closing as Won't Fix.

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