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Under Consideration for 2022.3.X



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[Linux Editor Only] Unity crashes on strtol_l when importing a specific .obj file



*This issue exists only on Linux due to the FBXSDK update not being possible for 2022.3 (See dicsussion on the origional Jira [])*
*To clarify, this issue was resolved by a FBX SDK 2020.3.7 update from Autodesk on the 6000 and later releases yet this fixed release depends on a newer GLibc on Linux than we can support on the Ubuntu version(s) 2022.3 is to be supported. Also due to this we cannot backport to 2021.3 but that is nearing EOL*

How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached “EditorCrashBug” project
2. Drag and drop the attached "TestObj.obj" file to the Asset folder

Reproducible with: 2022.3
Not reproducible with: 2023.3

Reproduced on: Linux

First few lines of the stack trace:
#0 0x007ff81b5d5a88 in strtol_l
#1 0x0000010ae5f834 in fbxsdk::FbxReaderObj::ParseVertexGroup(fbxsdk::FbxObjIndexGroup&, char*)
#2 0x0000010ae5cd2e in fbxsdk::FbxReaderObj::ParseObjFace(fbxsdk::FbxObjFace*, char*, int)
#3 0x0000010ae5ad1f in fbxsdk::FbxReaderObj::Read(fbxsdk::FbxDocument*)
#4 0x0000010ac87204 in fbxsdk::FbxImporter::ImportProcess(fbxsdk::FbxDocument*)
#5 0x00000105dbef7e in UnityFBX::DoImportScene(ImportScene&, ImportSettings const*, ImportMeshSettings*, bool)

Workaround: converting the file to .fbx format before importing will prevent the crash


This bug was introduced during a recent update of the FBX SDK. The SDK is owned and built by Autodesk and they decide when to release a new version.

We found a fix and sent it to them but we don't know when they'll make it available.

We will publish this as soon as we get it but this is sadly out of our control.

Thank you and really sorry about the inconvenience

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