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iOS Player Crashes in UI::CanvasRenderer::SyncDepth on some situations



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Comments (6)

  1. chenggongchina

    May 25, 2016 09:02

    still happend in 5.3.5f1

  2. andy176822

    Mar 02, 2016 16:34

    For anyone interested, I have been working with the unity QA guys to get this reproduced and fixed. They say they have found it and fixed it and should have it released in the next few weeks.

  3. Eric Laberge

    Feb 08, 2016 15:25

    I have the same issue on iOS, Android and WebGL.

    Here is a call stack for WebGL (first column is mangled name):
    B9G b226
    Cya __ZN5physx17AggregateAABBTask11runInternalEv
    A1d __ZN2UI14CanvasRenderer13SyncVertexPtrENS0_8SyncFlagE
    x1d __ZN2UI14CanvasRenderer17SyncDirtyElementsEv
    x3d __ZN2UI13CanvasManager20UpdateDirtyRenderersEPNS_6CanvasE
    S2d __ZN2UI6Canvas13UpdateBatchesEb
    hsf __ZZN2UI23InitializeCanvasManagerEvEN18WillRenderCanvases7ForwardEv
    f9a __ZN6Camera16StandaloneRenderEjP6ShaderRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEE
    eAc __Z20Camera_CUSTOM_RenderP15ScriptingObject

  4. fishg

    Jan 05, 2016 02:08

    I have the same problem with IL2CPP on Unity 5.3.1 and 5.3.1p1

  5. reyonman

    Aug 27, 2015 22:30

    I'm seeing something similar when IsActive is called from SyncDirtyElements. Any updates on your issues?

  6. sbe

    Jul 26, 2015 11:29

    i have crashes too in stand alone platforms/editor/android.

    ========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

    018370DC (bf) UI::CanvasRenderer::SyncDepth
    01837850 (bf) UI::CanvasRenderer::SyncDirtyElements
    0183D1C5 (bf) UI::Canvas::UpdateBatch
    0183DBE1 (bf) UI::Canvas::RenderOverlays
    0183E864 (bf) UI::CanvasManager::RenderOverlays
    013F8694 (bf) PlayerRender
    013F94EE (bf) PlayerLoop
    01512F91 (bf) PlayerMainWndProc
    01514EE8 (bf) PlayerWinMain
    018F3C38 (bf) WinMain
    019358C8 (bf) _aullrem
    75D9337A (kernel32) BaseThreadInitThunk
    770A92B2 (ntdll) RtlInitializeExceptionChain
    770A9285 (ntdll) RtlInitializeExceptionChain

    ========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

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