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[iOS] OnApplicationPause() is not called if "Behaviour in Background" is set to "Custom"
How to reproduce:
1. Open the "" project
2. Switch platform to iOS
3. In the Player settings, set "Behaviour in Background" to "Custom"
4. Build & Launch the app on device
5. Swap the app to background
Actual result: OnApplicationPause() callback doesn't get called and "Pause called" isn't logged into the console.
Expected result: OnApplicationPause() callback gets called and "Pause called" is logged into the console.
Reproducible with: 2019.3.0a11, 2019.2.1f1, 2019.1.14f1, 2018.4.6f1, 2017.4.30f1.
Tested with:
-iPhone 7 (iOS 10.2)
- When Behaviour in Background is set to "Custom" the player gets paused when in background.
- Right now this behaviour is set by design, but the callback should get called since the application gets paused.
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Resolution Note:
Setting "Behaviour in Background" to "Custom" prevents Unity from pausing so that the Unity loop could be executed native plugins by calling `UnityBatchPlayerLoop` (see
If you don't need to run anything directly in Unity while the app is in background you can add the info.plist key you need from an editor post-processor scripts, in that case you should still pause normally. Something like this should work:
public static void OnPostprocessBuild (BuildTarget buildTarget, string path)
if (buildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS) {
var plistPath = path + "/Info.plist";
var plist = new PlistDocument();
// Get root
var rootDict = plist.root;
PlistElementArray currentBacgkgroundModes = (PlistElementArray) rootDict["UIBackgroundModes"];
if (currentBacgkgroundModes == null)
currentBacgkgroundModes = rootDict.CreateArray("UIBackgroundModes");
// Write to file
File.WriteAllText(plistPath, plist.WriteToString());