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In UI Slider when you have value set to 0, there is still some filled area left



To reproduce this bug:

1. Create a new project
2. Create UI->Slider
3. Remove Handle Slider Area ( Canvas-> Slider-> Handle Slider Area)
4. Change Slider's value to 0
5. Notice there is still some filled area left even though the value is 0

Expected: there should not be any filled area left when the value is 0

Comments (3)

  1. cicmanma_unity

    Mar 15, 2020 13:13

    Ecke's answer still working in 2019.3.2f1!

    Thank you man. As unbelievable as it sounds, it actually works.

  2. brunopava

    Jun 09, 2015 19:04

    You can adjust the Rect Transform left/right top/bottom properties of the "Fill" object.

    As for the Handler, you can simply deactivate it on hierarchy.

  3. Ecke

    Aug 23, 2014 13:24

    Open the child object "Fill Area" and also its child "Fill" and set the "Width" of the "Fill" gameobject to 0. (default 10), then there will be no filled area left.

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