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[Improved Prefabs] Scriptable Objects lose connection to Prefab Variants when switching OS
For this particular project, the Game Designer was working on MacOS and the Developer was on Win 10.
- They collaborate via Git
- The developer made a Scriptable Object - called LevelData to make it easier to author many levels
- They wanted a new type of enemy, so the dev made a Green Frog prefab variant out of the Enemy_Toad prefab
- He then pushed the change
- The Designer pulled the new tools and started making the level.
- Then the designer pushed his changes as well
The result: All references to this new prefab variant were gone from the Scriptable objects, when the Dev pulled the new changes.
Also, when the dev attempted to fix this issue on his end, the Designer found that the references were now broken on his side!
To observe the broken references:
- download this project
- run the LevelTemplate scene in Strabeard->Scenes
- Press play
- notice that there are no enemies spawning into the scene, just some empty tiles: this is where the GreenFrog should have spawned.
Reproducible in 2018.4.5f1, 2019.2.13f1, 2019.3.0f1, 2020.1.0a15
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Dec 05, 2019 17:34
Stacks of studies show the importance of parental love for children’s healthy development. 9 Love makes children feel secure, significant, and valuable. When they feel loved, they become emotionally attached to us. That attachment makes them more responsive to our authority and receptive to our values.
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