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Importing Visual Scripting Assets before opening visual scripting graphs throw errors.

Package: Visual Scripting


When importing new visual scripting assets in a project where you never opened visual scripting, a bunch of errors start to log about.


*Reproducible on:*
* All VS versions
* Unity version: 2020+

{*}Steps to Reproduce{*}:
# Create a new project in 2022 (Spline package only work from there)
# Import the spline package from the zip file in the package manager
# Import the spline sample from the package manager
# Open the scene "Assets/Samples/Splines/1.0.0-pre.8/Spline Examples/Scenes/9 - Visual Scripting/Visual Scripting - Spline Evaluation.
# In the Hierarchy, click on the Game Object AnimateAlongSpline. You should start to see error.
# Press play
# Now you should see other errors.

*To make it work*

Open a script graph, now unity will build the node library and no error will occur.


*Expected results*

Everything should work fine even if the user never opened a script graph in the project.

  1. Resolution Note:

    Not reproducible on 1.7.7. Node library regeneration occurs when selecting object in hierarchy.
    Only occurs on 1.7.6 and earlier.

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