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IL2CPP: 3D array access generates code which segfaults on iOS



The attached project will, when built for iOS using IL2CPP, generate code which halts with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Tested with Unity 4.6.2p1. Issue was presented while on-site with Zynga, an Enterprise Support customer.

Preconditions: Have an iOS device attached, have Unity 4.6.2p1 installed.

Reproduction Steps:
1 - Unzip attached "" project and open in Unity 4.6.2p1.
2 - Ensure build settings are set to iOS using IL2CPP for the Universal build target.
3 - Build & Run project.
4 - Observe Unity build and postprocess project using IL2CPP
5 - XCode opens, builds project and deploys it to the device
6 - (EXPECTED) In the Xcode log, a Unity logline similar to "System.Single" appears.
6 - (OBSERVED) EXC_BAD_ACCESS thrown, project crashes. See attached screenshot & crash dump.

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