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[Hierarchy] Selecting a child object in the scene view does not select it in the Hierarchy view if its hierarchy is collapsed.

Project Browser/Hierarchy


In the attached project, selecting a child object would not select it in the Hierarchy panel if the hierarchy it belongs to is collapsed (i.e. only parent object is visible).

Repro steps:

1. Open ChildObject scene from attached project.
2. In the scene view, select either the sphere or the cylinder.
3. Observe how the parent cube is not selected in the hierarchy and its children are not displayed.

Expected outcome: the nested objects to be expanded so the child object selection can be viewed in the Hierarchy panel.

- this seems to be project-specific. Creating a new scene or trying different editor versions (5.4.0b3-b1, 5.3.1f1)with the same project keeps this behaviour. New projects work fine.
- Hard to tell if it's a regression as the issue carries with the project.
- tried deleting the library and the issue persists.
- child object is selected if the hierarchy it belongs to is expanded

Comments (7)

  1. DavidJares

    Feb 07, 2018 16:16

    closing hierarchy tab and opening a new one did the trick for me :D thank you

  2. Dioinecail

    Dec 14, 2017 11:51

    reopening the Hierarchy windows works for me on Unity 2017.2 custom saves layout

  3. Tortuap

    Dec 06, 2017 10:30

    Also in version 2017.2.0p2
    Closing then re-opening a Hierarchy window fixed it for me. Probably not by design but more likely a bug.

  4. TextusGames

    Apr 13, 2017 17:40

    This still occurs in unity 5.6.
    This is not a design, this is a pure bug!

    Applying default layout solves the problem.

  5. Allicorn

    Sep 07, 2016 15:13

    Update to this.

    Deleting my Editor Layout, resetting to Default Layout and setting up again... seems to fix this. Selecting objects in Scene View now causes them to focus in Hierarchy no matter how deeply buried they were in folded transforms - unfolding everything necessary to reveal them.

    By design? Seems legit.

  6. Allicorn

    Sep 07, 2016 15:05

    I question that this is by design since it still applies in some projects, but not others, in version 5.4.0f3

    I also question that this is by design since that design would clearly be incredibly unhelpful it were so.

    Say I have 1000 objects which are all complicated prefabs with lots of descendant transforms. Obviously I don't want all 1000 completed unfolded all the time - that'd be madness. But what I also obviously /do/ want is that if I select one of the descendant transforms in the Scene View, the Hierarchy should unfold to show me that selection. Without that, and large collection of objects that can't be readily differentiated (randomly generated asteroids, say) I have no way of finding the object in the Hierarchy without manually rummaging through all 1000 objects, unfolding every one by hand. Which is obviously ludicrous.

  7. MathiasSeverin

    Apr 11, 2016 07:08

    This is still a problem for me. I am using Unity 5.3.4p1

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