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10.1.0, 10.0.0-preview.27

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[HDRP] Scene view and options list in Render Pipeline Debug does not reset on undo action

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


-Scene view becomes white on undoing.
-Workaround: Press the Reset button in Render Pipeline Debug window.

Steps to repro:
1. Create a new HDRP project.
2. Windows > Render Pipeline > Render Pipeline Debug.
3. Material > Material Validator > Diffuse Color.
4. Edit > Undo Debug Property Change or Press ctrl + z.

Actual Result:
-Scene view and options list in Render Debug does not reset
-Scene view becomes white.

Expected Result:
-Scene view and options list in Render Debug should reset.

Reproducible in:
2021.1.0a4, 2020.2.0b10, 2020.2.0b6, 2020.2.0a1 with Package version 10.1.0, 10.0.0-preview.27 , 8.1.0

Occurring on Windows 10 & mac 10.15.

  1. Resolution Note:

    We weren't able to reproduce the scene going bright (might be related to so we will track this there instead) but for the debug menu entry not resetting, we are aware of this kind of problem and the debug menu is going to be refactored later on so we will fix this at that point.

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