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[HDRP] Camera relative rendering jitter when performing very small camera movements

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project ("")
2. Open the repro scene ("SampleScene")
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Hold the right mouse button to move the camera
5. While looking at the ground, do some very small camera movements

Expected result: Camera jittering is not noticeable
Actual result: Camera jittering is noticeable

Reproducible with: 2019.3,7f1, 2020.1.0b4, 2020.2.0a5
Couldn't test with: 2017.4 (package not supported), 2018.4 (project breaking after downgrade)
Reproducible with package versions: 7.1.8, 8.0.1

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is because you are a kilometer from the object (terrain) origin, viewing details of under a millimeter; total 32-bit floating point accuracy is only around 1/16th of a millimeter at that distance, not enough to avoid texture swimming.

    Fixing this would require changing the patch generation / instancing and transform code and vertex shaders to combine the patch transform with the camera position at a higher precision. Care would have to be taken to ensure cracks don't appear between patches, as each patch would effectively have a different transform.

    The new environment system uses a monolithic camera-centered mesh for terrain rendering, that is much more amenable to fixing this kind of thing; as we can build one custom high precision transform for the entire mesh, and never have to worry about cracks.

    We would much rather push that system forward than try to patch the existing one.

Comments (1)

  1. FullMe7alJacke7

    Jan 17, 2021 20:14

    I noticed the camera jittering for me was caused by turning on Anti-Aliasing and setting it to TAA. Disabling AA all together fixed my issue.

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