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GUI drawn via SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate is offset in deferred rendering mode
To reproduce:
1. Open the attached project
2. Open scene "demo"
3. Ensure that player settings Rendering Path = "Forward"
4. Select "Main Camera" and verify that two buttons are displayed in the Scene View, at the top of the camera view, but not going outside.
5. Change Rendering Path to "Deferred Lighting"
6. Notice that the button labeled "OnSceneGUIDelegate" is now positioned at the top of the scene view window, instead of at the top of the camera area. The button labeled "OnSceneGUI" is still placed as it was in "Forward" rendering mode.
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Jake L.
Oct 10, 2014 10:34
Compensating the offset is fine visually (BeginArea()...EndArea()), but mouse events keep using the bugged positions...I didn't found a way to workaround this!
Sep 15, 2014 12:51
I have can confirm this too and as Jake says it only affects perspective mode, Iso is fine.
However, forcing the editor to run in OpenGL does not fix the symptom for me/us.
Forward rendering is not sufficient for modern games, so this is something that really needs addressing soon.
Sep 07, 2014 12:12
I encountered exactly the same issue while building an Unity-editor tool. After speding days trying to compensate the offset (x=2, y = 36) I found out it can be solved by forcing the editor to run Open-GL
Just add ' -force-opengl' to the launch path in your unity-editor shortcut like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe" -force-opengl
Jake L.
Sep 04, 2014 07:52
In addition, this is only happening when using perspective camera. Using Iso mode works fine (4.5)