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Fixed in 5.5.0



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Issue ID




[Graphics] Directional light passes through the tree leafs making them abnormally lit



Steps to reproduce:

1. Open Unity;
2. Open attached project and 'test' scene;

3. Notice that directional light source is located behind the tree and some of the tree leafs on the front side of the tree are still being lit by the light;
4. In the Project folder go to Assets -> Free_SpeeTrees;
5. Select 'Broadleaf_Desktop.spm' model;
6. In the Inspector switch off 'Receive Shadows' checkbox for LOD0;
7. In the Inspector click 'Apply and Generate Materials';
8. Observe tree rendering in Scene/Game view.

Actual result:
The tree leafs are now almost fully specularly lit by the directional light located on the other side of the tree. From the first sight it may be treated as expected translucency, but then it becomes clear that leafs are specularly emitting unreastic amount of light. See attached gif video and actual.png screenshots.
Some users are already aware of this issue and it's causing problems for them especially in first person game projects. This is decreasing the realism of their games to the great extent.

Expected result:
The tree leafs located on the other side of the tree should not be lit by light (see attached expected.png screenshot).

- Reproducible in: 5.4.0b16, 5.4.0b15, 5.3.4p4, 5.1.3f1;
- Reproducible on both Windows 10 (DX11) and OS X 10.11.4 (GlCOre);
- Reproducible for different rendering paths. In Deferred rendering only some of the leafs are abnomally lit, in Forward almost all tree leafs are unrealistically lit. The same behaviour for both Gamma and Linear color space;
- The issue becomes mostly visible when turning off shadow receiving feature for tree model.

Comments (4)

  1. ElvinKenneth

    Apr 11, 2022 07:04

    Hello everyone, My name is Elvin Kenneth living in California, United States. Nice to meet you those who are reading this comment. I want to start with my opinion, firstly I want to share that everyone faces an issue in a different type of online work. This is not necessary that the issue will resolve in seconds. Calm down everything becomes possible when you get calm and take your time. The big achievement of the website owner is that he/she fixes the problem only for their visitor's demands and they don't sleep for dozen hours only for their website guests. Hats off to them who are doing such type of work and are very sincere for their website and for their visitors too. I really appreciate this type of energy. I post unique types of articles and essays on amazing topics like Education, Technology, Lifestyle, Travel, Technology, Online Learning, Press Release, etc. is a very huge and useful website for everyone.

  2. GXMark

    Jul 01, 2016 18:19

    This issue has been around for months and it significantly is undermining Speed Tree and visual quality of foliage based games.

  3. krides

    Jun 16, 2016 12:06

    We also have this issue in 5.3.5f1 and 5.3.5p3. Really hoping for a fix.

  4. XaneFeather

    May 31, 2016 18:16

    Really hoping for a fix soon. We're rendering videos for our clients and with the leaves showing horrible lighting in deferred rendering, we thought about rendering them in forward rendering where the SpeedTree assets look fine, causing problems to post-processing effects relying on the G-Buffer. So we're forced to decide between post-processing fidelity or tree artefacts.

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