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Fixed in 12.0.0



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Issue ID




Graph flickers if Set Alive is present in Initialize and particles either don't have a lifetime or 'Reap Particles' is disabled.

Package: Visual Effect Graph


Repro steps:
1. Import the attached VFX and add it to the scene
2. Observe the circle
3. Open the VFX and enable the 'Set Alive' block
4. Observe the particles in the circle start to flicker
Expected outcome:
- Set Alive to enable the reaping of particles

- The issue seems to be when attempting to access the Alive attribute in Initialize when reap is off.
- Adding Set Lifetime and making sure that reap is on in Update fixes the issue
- Happens only in Initialize. Set Alive without reap works fine in Update and Output.
- Still happening in 12.0.0

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