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Fixed in 2020.1.X



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[GPU PLM][OSX]CL_INVALID_PROGRAM errors and fallback to CPU PLM after baking with GPU PLM on OSX if the Editor path has a space

Progressive Lightmapper


An Apple machine with discrete GPU having more than 2GB of VRAM is needed to repro this bug.

Steps to repro:
1. Open attached project and 'ProgressiveLightmappingExample' scene;
2. In the Lighting window press 'Generate Lighting' button.

Expected result:
Baking on GPU completes successfully.

Actual result:
- 'OpenCL Error. Falling back to CPU lightmapper. Error callback from context: CL_INVALID_KERNEL'

- 'OpenCL Error. Falling back to CPU lightmapper. Error callback from context: [CL_INVALID_KERNEL] : OpenCL Error : clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed: invalid kernel 0x0'


- `OpenCL Error. Falling back to CPU lightmapper. Error callback from context: [CL_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS] : OpenCL Error : clBuildProgram failed: Invalid build options "-D APPLE -D USE_SAFE_MATH -cl-std=CL1.2 -I /Applications/2019.1/Unity 2019.1.0b1_83b3ba1f99df/"`

are shown. Baking backend falls back to CPU Lightmapper. See attached video.

- Reproducible in 2019.1.0b1, 2019.2.0a2, 2019.3.0a2, 2019.3.0a3;
- Reproducible on every project that uses GPU PLM on OSX;
- Reproducible on AMD GPU;
- Reproducible only with GPU PLM; not reproducible with CPU PLM or Enlighten.
- Reproducible only when the path to the Unity Editor installation has space;
- Reproducible on OSX 10.13.3 and OSX 10.13.4; Not reproducible on Windows 10.

Comments (1)

  1. gabebigboxvr

    Apr 01, 2019 03:41

    We reproduced this on Windows 10

    "OpenCL Error. Falling back to CPU lightmapper. Error callback from context: Max allocation size supported by this device is 2.00 GB. 3.00 GB requested."

    CPU: Intel i7 7700HQ with 64 GB System RAM
    GPU: Titan V with 12GB VRAM

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