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Fixed in 2020.1.X



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[GPU PLM] CL_INVALID_PROGRAM error and fallback to CPU Lightmapper after launching the GPU bake for the first time

Progressive Lightmapper


Steps to repro:

1. Open the attached project and 'SampleScene' scene;
2. In the Lighting window click 'Generate Lighting' button.

Expected result:
Bake with GPU Lightmapper completes withour errors.

Actual result:
The error:
"OpenCL Error. Falling back to CPU lightmapper. Error callback from context: CL_INVALID_PROGRAM" is shown. The lightmapper falls back to CPU Lightmapper. See attached video.
Regression introduced in 2020.1.0a12.

Workaround is to launch the bake again.

- Reproducible in version 2020.1.0a12;
- Not reproducible in 2020.1.0a11, 2019.3.0b9, 2019.2.12f1, 2019.1.14f1;
- Reproducible with GPU Lightmapper only;
- Reproducible on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 with the latest NVIDIA drivers on Windows and on AMD Radeon 560 on OSX;
- Reproducible in the legacy, Universal RP and HDRP.

Comments (1)

  1. FlooferLand

    Jul 26, 2024 23:01

    This is an issue in Unity 2023 now. Clearing GI cache and other workarounds don't work

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