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Fixed in 5.0.X



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GenericMenu doesn't work correctly on OSX



To Reproduce:

1. Open the attached project on OSX, click 'Window/Runtime Inspector Configuration', click on 'Add Property', notice that all menu items are disabled.

2. It works fine on Windows.

3. Goto line 200 in 'RuntimeInspectorMainWindow.cs' edit the "/" string in component.Name + "/" to for example " /".

4. Now there are two entries of each component in the 'Add Property' menu, but only the one with the edited path works fine.

Comments (1)

  1. Pantom

    Oct 16, 2014 17:34

    This seemed to be caused by the separator item in the sub menu. As a workaround comment out the following line in RuntimeInspectorMainWindow.cs and RuntimeInspectorEditor.cs:

    menu.AddSeparator(component.Name + "/");

    After this all menu items are enabled.

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