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Fixed in 5.0.X
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GenericMenu doesn't work correctly on OSX
To Reproduce:
1. Open the attached project on OSX, click 'Window/Runtime Inspector Configuration', click on 'Add Property', notice that all menu items are disabled.
2. It works fine on Windows.
3. Goto line 200 in 'RuntimeInspectorMainWindow.cs' edit the "/" string in component.Name + "/" to for example " /".
4. Now there are two entries of each component in the 'Add Property' menu, but only the one with the edited path works fine.
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Oct 16, 2014 17:34
This seemed to be caused by the separator item in the sub menu. As a workaround comment out the following line in RuntimeInspectorMainWindow.cs and RuntimeInspectorEditor.cs:
menu.AddSeparator(component.Name + "/");
After this all menu items are enabled.