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Fixed in 5.4.0



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[GameView] Editor crashes/hangs if too high values are entered into width/height of custom resolution (out of VRAM?)

Scene/Game View


Steps to repro:

1. Open Unity;
2. Open attached project;
3. In the Game view window expand 'Aspect ratio' dropdown list;
4. Click '+' button;
5. In the opened window type long value to both 'Width' and 'Height' fields (e.g. 99999x99999);
6. Click OK button.

Actual result:
Unity crashes (see attached gif video and screenshot).

Debug info from gdb (from Editor.log):

Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

Regression introduced in Unity 5.4.
This bug is apparently related to partial fix of this case:, but with different stacktrace and slightly different triggering conditions.

Expected result:
- Unity should not crash;
- Correct error message about clamped GameView size should be displayed (see attached expected.png file).

- Reproducible in: 5.5.0a1, 5.4.0b20;
- Not reproducible in 5.3.5f1;
- Reproducible on both Windows 10 and OSX 10.11.4;
- Reproducible for toggling fields in 'Fixed Resolution' mode. Doesn't repro with 'Aspect Ratio' mode;
- Reproducible when overflowing both Height and Width fields. If overflowing only one of them, correct error message is displayed and Unity doesn't crash;
- Reproduces in both D3D11 and OpenGlCore modes.

Comments (1)

  1. megaestudio

    Dec 15, 2017 14:21

    Reproducible in 2017.2.0f3 8196x4096 Ati HD5000 mobile

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