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Fixed in 5.0.X



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Gameobjects don't move smoothly

Scene/Game View


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project
2. Open the scene "bug test" (it has a terrain, a cube placed at or near the center of the terrain, and close to its surface)
3. In the hierarchy, double click on the cube so you zoom in on it
4. Select the handles to move the cube
5. Then move it in the x and z axis and there will be a slight snapping effect only noticable when zoomed in on a GameObject as if to position it close to another GameObject.

Comments (3)

  1. Mollyguzman

    Jul 22, 2020 11:43

    Game objects don't move smoothly, No one know about the plans where it is not important to handle <a href="">expert essay writer</a> products. We also not handle these points because game objects are be changed and it is really bad moment for us to check and demand to replace these game objects.

  2. The_Mad_Orc

    Sep 16, 2014 18:15

    Yeah I just checked and it still does it when I hit the f key once. Though I did just notice that it only does this on large terrains. I have the default terrain which is 2000 * 2000 and a smaller one 500 * 500 and on the smaller one I don't notice the snapping. Also the closer the gameobject is to the center of the terrain the more noticeable the snapping is.

  3. LukaKotar

    Sep 16, 2014 00:01

    Double clicking an object in inspector or double pressing the F key with an object selected will make the scene camera follow that object so it stays at the center of the screen. Press F once if you only want to zoom in to the object. Does pressing F once still cause that problem?

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