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GameObject with a broken Prefab connection will override its connection when a new Prefab with the same name is created

Scene Management


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Create a Cube GameObject and an empty GameObject in the Scene
3. Drag the Cube GameObject to the Project window to create a Prefab
4. Delete the Cube Prefab
5. Rename the empty GameObject to Cube
6. Drag the empty GameObject to the Project window to Create a Prefab
7. Inspect the original Cube GameObject

Expected result: The GameObject with broken Prefab connection does not change
Actual result: The GameObject with broken Prefab connection overrides its connection

Reproduced with: 2018.4.3f1, 2019.1.9f1, 2019.2.0b9, 2019.3.0a8

Notice that the override will cause the GameObject to change all its Components and their settings.
The issue does not reproduce if the project is reopened after step 4.

  1. Resolution Note:

    It is by design that an asset with the same name will get the same GUID (within a Unity session) and there the Prefab system thinks that it needs to re-merge the instance.

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