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Fuzzy finder truncated if graph window offset vertically from main Unity window

Package: Visual Scripting


*Note:* The Editor should be opened on a secondary screen

*Reproducible on:*
* main commit e8b6e3d46.
* Editor version: 2021.1.0b4 -b10
* Platforms: macOS BigSur

*Steps to Reproduce:*
# Open the Editor but not fullscreen
# Create a graph and click to open the fuzzy finder on different parts of it (please see video)

*Outcome Results:*
* There appears to be a coordinate system translation error or similar when opening the fuzzy finder if the graph window is on a different vertical position on the screen than the main Unity window. Depending on the positions of the windows and the mouse position in the graph window, the fuzzy finder can end up complete, partial, or invisible.

*Expected Results:*
* Fuzzy finder should not get truncated.

*Note:* I don't think this happens if both windows are on the built-in laptop display. I have only seen it happen when they are on an external screen, or if one window is on the built-in display and one on the external one.

See the attached video.

  1. Resolution Note:

    There is a VS Preference "Limit fuzzy finder height" that is checked by default, and due to which this issue is visible, if the preference is unchecked the issue done not happen anymore.
    Closing this bug since is designed by default this way for macOS

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