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Fixed in 6000.0.39f1, 6000.1.0b7, 6000.2.0a4



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"Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh" PhysX errors are thrown when looking around the Scene View while Collision Geometry is set to true


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached “” project
2. Open the “SampleScene”
3. Open Window → Analysis → Physics Debugger
4. Make sure “Collision Geometry” is turned on
5. Use “Mouse Look” to look around the Scene View
6. Observe the Console Window

Expected result: No errors are thrown
Actual result: Internal PhysX errors are thrown

Reproducible in: 2023.2.0a12, 6000.0.34f1, 6000.1.0b2
Not reproducible in: 2021.3.47f1, 2022.3.56f1, 2023.2.0a11

Reproducible on: Windows 11, Windows 10
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 6000.2.0a4):

    Fixed PhysX error "Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh" from being thrown when looking around the Scene View while having the Physics Debug tab open by dynamically computing the camera frustum instead of relying on the clipToWorld matrix from the camera, which under certain camera angles can result in invalid data for PhysX.

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 6000.1.0b7):

    Fixed PhysX error "Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh" from being thrown when looking around the Scene View while having the Physics Debug tab open by dynamically computing the camera frustum instead of relying on the clipToWorld matrix from the camera, which under certain camera angles can result in invalid data for PhysX.

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 6000.0.39f1):

    Fixed PhysX error "Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh" from being thrown when looking around the Scene View while having the Physics Debug tab open by dynamically computing the camera frustum instead of relying on the clipToWorld matrix from the camera, which under certain camera angles can result in invalid data for PhysX.

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