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Postponed means that the issue was either a feature request or something that requires major refactoring on our side. Since that makes the issue not actionable in the close future we choose to close it as Postponed and add it on our internal roadmaps and technical debt pages instead.




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Issue ID




'Failed creating system' errors when baking terrain with boundary heightmap resolution values



Steps to repro:

1. Open attached project and '2_SculptTerrain' scene;
2. Open Lighting window (Window -> Lighting -> Settings);
3. Click 'Generate Lighting' button;
4. Wait for lightmap to start baking.

Expected result:
Terrain bakes successfully.

Actual result:
- Multiple 'Failed creating system' errors are thrown at 'Create System' stage;
- GI Baking is stuck.

Regression introduced in Unity 2017.1.0.

See attached screenshot.

- Reproducible in 2017.2.0b1, 2017.1.0f1;
- Partially not reproducible in 5.6.1p2 (no errors thrown, yet GI baking seems to be stuck as well);
- Works as expected in 5.6.0f3
- Reproducible on both Windows 10 and OSX 10.12.5;
- The bug seems to be triggered by terrain having boundary values for heightmap resolution (e.g 4097, which is the maximum allowed value);
- The bug is reproducible only on Enlighten; does not repro on PVR lightmap backend.

Comments (1)

  1. davidnibi

    Jun 16, 2022 08:33

    Can confirm changing Heightmap Resolution on this to a lower resolution (from 2049x2049 to 1025x1025 in this case) 'fixes' it. Another scene which is fairly identical ran fine with the same settings.

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