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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X, 6000.0.X, 6000.1.X



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Issue ID




Exception block is being rewritten to throw an incorrect number of exceptions when running a project built using IL2CPP Scripting Backend



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "IN-90811" project
2. Open the "SampleScene" and enter Play mode
3. Observe the Game and Console windows
4. Exit Play mode
5. Ensure that the Scripting Backend is set to IL2CPP (“Project Settings” > “Player” > “Configuration” > “Scripting Backend”)
6. Build and run the project
7. Observe the Player

Expected result: Only one exception is detected in both the Player and Play mode
Actual result: Two exceptions occur in the Player

Reproducible in: 2021.2.6f1, 2021.3.47f1, 2022.1.0b1, 2022.3.54f1, 6000.0.31f1, 6000.1.0a8
Not reproducible in: 2021.2.5f1, 2022.1.0a16

Reproducible on: macOS 15.1.1 (Intel), Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

Note: When testing for regressions in versions under 2023.1.19f1 (Where TMP is not integrated into the core) the project environment needs to be re-created from scratch on an empty project to prevent the TextMeshPro package from causing errors.

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