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Event System selecting a button in a UI prefab when a UI prefab it is open during play mode



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project: “”
2. Open the “MainMenu“ scene
3. Open the “Assets/Gameplay/Upgrade_System/UpgradeMenuUI.prefab”
4. Connect a Controller
5. Enter the Play mode
6. Press “down” two times until “Upgrade” button is reached

Expected result: Pressing “down” two times selects the “Upgrade” button in the UI
Actual result: Navigating to the “Upgrade” button by moving down is impossible while the “UpgradeMenuUI” asset is opened

Reproducible with: 1.1.1, 1.5.1 (2020.3.47f1, 2021.3.24f1, 2022.2.17f1, 2023.1.0b14, 2023.2.0a12)
Couldn’t test with: 1.0.2 and lower due to errors in the Console window

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro, using Xbox Series and Sony DualSense controllers

  1. Resolution Note:

    After investigation, we have deemed this a low priority issue that won't be fixed in the near future either because it is too costly to implement or because there are risks of introducing other problems doing so. There's a simple workaround of closing the Prefab while you're testing the game in the Editor.

    If you feel this is a wrong assessment, please reach out again, providing more details about the impact of that issue.

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