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Error appears when installing Unity Recorder package on Windows with Target Platform set to Mac OS X

Package: Recorder


Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project (on Windows) 2. In the Build settings, set Mac OS X as the Target Platform 3. Import Unity Recorder package Expected result: The package is imported without errors Actual result: Error appears in the Console window Reproducible with: 2.3.0-preview.3 - 2.5.4 (2018.4.32f1, 2019.4.20f1, 2020.2.5f1, 2021.1.0b7, 2021.2.0a5) Not reproducible with: 2.0.0-preview.6 - 2.2.0-preview.4 (2018.4.32f1, 2019.4.20f1, 2020.2.5f1) Notes: 1. Not reproducible on Windows with Windows Target Platform 2. Not reproducible on Mac OS with Mac OS X Target Platform 3. Reproducible on Windows with Mac OS X Target Platform 4. Error: "Library\PackageCache\


\Editor\ProRes\ProResEncoderPlugin.cs(346,51): error CS0117: 'ProResWrapperHelpers' does not contain a definition for 'SupportsCodecFormat'

from fogbugz  [  |]

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