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Fixed in 2022.3.21f1, 2023.2.13f1, 2023.3.0b10



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Issue ID




Editor gets stuck loading "Initial asset database refresh" indefinitely on startup when Visual Studio .Net project debugging is running in the background



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the “ConsoleApp4“ .Net project with Visual Studio
2. Start Debugging in Visual Studio (Debug > Start Debugging)
3. Open the “ReproProject“ project
4. Observe the Editor Launch Screen

Expected result: The project is loaded and the Editor starts
Actual result: The Editor Launch Screen is stuck on loading "Initial asset database refresh" indefinitely

Reproducible with: 2022.2.18f1, 2022.3.17f1, 2023.2.4f1, 2023.3.0b1
Not reproducible with: 2021.3.34f1, 2022.2.17f1

Reproducible on: Windows 11 Pro (22H2)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2023.3.0b10):

    Visual studio debugger setup ETW tracing machine wide, which makes the ILPP runner failed to start. We fixed that issue, and now debugging an external process should not make Unity Editor hang anymore.

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2023.2.13f1):

    Visual studio debugger setup ETW tracing machine wide, which makes the ILPP runner failed to start. We fixed that issue, and now debugging an external process should not make Unity Editor hang anymore.

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 2022.3.21f1):

    Visual studio debugger setup ETW tracing machine wide, which makes the ILPP runner failed to start. We fixed that issue, and now debugging an external process should not make Unity Editor hang anymore.

Comments (5)

  1. jcs090218

    Apr 20, 2024 06:51

    Having the same issue in 2023.2.19f1 (latest). Also on Windows 11.

  2. RomainF-Ubisoft

    Jan 31, 2024 20:39

    I think we have a use case related to this bug: I have a console app that runs a Unity process (using `Process.Start()`, e.g. `Process.Start("unity.exe", "-batchmode -quit -projectPath \"C:/path/to/project/\" -executeMethod \"Path.To.Method\")`).

    When running on our workers, it works all the time. When running locally, it gets stuck most of the time.

    For a long time we were wondering what could be the reason why it always worked on our workers, but not locally. Reading this issue, I think the debugger might be the reason why. If you plugged your debugger to your Unity project once, then using `Process.Start()` will get stuck.

    This is quite problematic for us because it gets very difficult to debug our jobs locally.

  3. RSalway

    Jan 19, 2024 17:51

    I don't even have to open VS any project old or from a new template hangs on "Initial asset database refresh" in all tested Unity versions (22.3.0, 22.3.1, 22.3.16, 22.3.17) since Hub 3.7.0

  4. Martin-Aunovis

    Jan 17, 2024 07:10

    Same here with 2022.3.7f1

    I fix this by deleting all files and folders in the project folder that are not .gitignored. Then I make sure all Unity related tasks are terminated via Task manager.

  5. JasonsFreeTime

    Jan 16, 2024 22:31

    Have this issue in 2022.3.16f1 as well.

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