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Fixed in 2022.2.0b4, 2023.1.0a4
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Issue ID
Edit Light Probes button in Light Probe Group component is squished
h2. Steps to reproduce:
# Download and open the attached project (
# Open SampleScene
# Select the only Light Probe Group in the scene
# Notice that the Edit Light Probes button is squished, and the label is missing
h2. Notes:
* Reproduces in: {*}2022.1.0a6{*}, 2022.1.0a7, 2022.1.0a8, 2022.1.0b1, 2022.1.1f1, 2022.2.0a1, 2022.2.0a13
* Does not reproduce in: 2021.3.3f1, 2022.1.0a1, 2022.1.0a2, 2022.1.0a4, 2022.1.0a5
h2. Proposed solution:
!Light Probe Group (ButtonsGrouped DefaultState).png|width=455,height=260!
Grouping the Edit Light Probe Positions button to be with the other button group is an easier layout to parse visually (gestalt law of proximity).
Putting the “Selected Probe Position” fields at the bottom, places them closer to the buttons needed when interacting with individual probes (Delete / Duplicate).
h3. Button state when in "Edit Mode":
!Light Probe Group (ButtonsGrouped ExitMode).png|width=458,height=268!
Further feedback from users is that they often miss when they are in and Edit mode.
By virtue of the edit button now being a lot larger, and by using the blue “pressed” state from UI Builder, we more effectively call-out that the user is in a state which must be exited before other tasks are carried-out.
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Resolution Note (fix version 2022.2.0b4):
Landed in: 2022.2.0b5.2822