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Fixed in 2017.1.X



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Issue ID




Dynamic object is getting Culled



To reproduce:
1. Open attached project;
2. Open "Test" scene;
3. Enter Play mode;
4. Move the Camera forward to the Cube ("Cube").

Expected result: as the Cube is dynamic object, it should not be culled. You should see the Cube with a yellow Outline.
Actual result: You can only see the dynamic Cube outline when any other object is obstructing it.

-On versions 5.6 and 2017 Camera is flipped upside down.
-5.6 versions and older throw an error: "Failed to create DX11 vertex declaration; something wrong with vertex shader input data? (hr=80070057)" when Camera reaches the outlined Cube.
-2017.1.0a1 throws an error: "Invalid mask passed to GetVertexDeclaration()
UnityEngine.Graphics:Blit(Texture, RenderTexture, Material)
PostEffect:OnRenderImage(RenderTexture, RenderTexture) (at Assets/PostEffect.cs:46)" when entering the Play mode (on Graphics.Blit function).

Reproduced on versions: 5.5.0b6, 5.5.0b7, 5.5.1f1, 5.5.2f1, 5.6.0b10, 2017.1.0a1.
Not reproduced on version: 5.4.4p4, 5.5.0b1, 5.5.0b4, 5.5.0b5.
Bug first reproduced on: 5.5.0b6.

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