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Fixed in 2020.1.X

Fixed in 2019.2.X, 2019.3.X



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Issue ID




Custom built DLL's scripts which have classes derived from UIBehaviour cannot be added as a component anymore



How to reproduce:
1. Download and extract the attached '' archive somewhere on your computer (there are two scripts, NewBehaviourScript.cs and NewBehaviourScript2.cs)
2. Download and extract the attached '' project
3. Navigate to the Editor directory
4. Run this command from the Windows PowerShell:
"./Unity.exe -batchmode -nographics -projectPath "path_to_the_project_directory" -executeMethod "MLPluginBuilder.BuildSelected" -assemblyName "Assets\Custom.dll" -scripts "path_to_the_DLLScripts_directory" -allowUnsafeCode "true" -quit -logfile"
5. Once the DLL is built in the Assets folder, open the project
6. Try to add both scripts as a component to any GameObject

Expected results: Both scripts are eligible to add as a component
Actual results: NewBehaviourScript cannot be added since it derives from BaseInputModule while NewBehaviourScript2 can be added since it derives directly from MonoBehaviour

Reproducible with: 2019.2.0f1, 2019.3.0a11
Not reproducible with: 2019.1.13f1 and below

- This is happening because UGUI broke out as a separate package
- Happens with any class that derives from UIBehaviour

Comments (3)

  1. armanayraRE

    Oct 09, 2019 00:31

    UI objects become highlighted red and indicate an error, but the code compiles just fine. Is there another temp fix for this? Been waiting for a fix for some time and none of the last 4 updates have addressed! :/

  2. grojo

    Aug 28, 2019 15:06

    Do we have any updates on this?

  3. Chris_ML

    Aug 08, 2019 14:13


    Are there any updates on when this can be fixed? This is an issue that is shown in Lumin SDK 0.22 / Unity 2019.2 and is preventing many developers from being able to upgrade SDKs.

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