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Fixed in 2019.3.X



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Issue ID




Crash with a "pointer to object of manager 'RenderSettings' is NULL" error when playing a scene of a project upgraded to 2019.3

Asset - Database


How to reproduce:
1. Open the "World" Scene in the attached "" Unity project
2. Enter Play Mode
3. Observe the crash after dismissing an error

Expected result: a warning in the console about the null pointer and no crash
Actual result: an error "GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'RenderSettings' is NULL" is thrown and Unity Editor crashes after dismissing it

Reproducible with: 2019.3.0a5, 2019.3.0a12
Not reproducible with: 2019.2.2f1

Note: only reproduced on the attached project. The issue occurred after upgrading the project from 2019.2 to 2019.3. Could not test on earlier streams (such as 2018.4) due to package errors. Could not test on 2019.3.0a1 through 2019.3.0a4 due to Scriptable Build Pipeline package errors.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2019.3):

    Fixed in 2020.1.0a10.

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2019.3):

    Fixed in 2019.3.0b9.

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