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Crash when using "Screen.orientation" on iPad 4



How to reproduce:
1. Open "My" project
2. Build for iOS and deploy to the device
3. In the app touch screen with two fingers
4. Observe the app

Expected result: No crash
Actual result: Crash

Reproducible with: 2019.4.36f1
Could not test with: 2020.3.30f1, 2021.2.14f1, 2022.1.0b10, 2022.2.0a7 (Requires iOS 11, A9 chip)

Reproduced with:
VLNQA00308 - iPad (4th generation), 10.3.3 iOS

Not reproduced with:
VLNQA00358 - iPhone 12, 14.1 iOS
VLNQA00310 - iPad Pro 12.9", 13.4.1 iOS
VLNQA00392 - iPad (9th generation), 15.0 iOS
iPad Air 4th Gen (iOS 15.2.1)
iPhone 7 (iOS 12.3.1)
iPhone 12 Mini (iOS 14.1)
iPhone 13 (iOS 15.0)

  1. Resolution Note (2022.2.X):

    It is unlikely that we will be able to fix this before Unity 2019.3 support runs out, and iPad 4 is not supported by Unity 2020.3 or newer.

Comments (1)

  1. JenaMarbotic

    Mar 01, 2022 09:19

    Hi, we reproduce it but less consistently on the iPad Air 4th Gen (iOS 15.3.1)
    You just have to try it a few times and it'll happend again

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