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Fixed in 2017.2.X



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Issue ID




Crash on working with scriptable object



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project.
2. Open scene named "Test".
3. In the "Hierarchy" window select "Main Camera".
4. in the "Inspector" window notice script named "View State Controller".
5. Click on button "Create New".
6. Input custom name in "Manager name" field and press "Rename" button.
7. Notice that a newly appeared window informs: "Success! VSM Manager was successfully renamed." and press "Ok".
8. Repeat 5-7 steps several times until the Editor crashes.

Actual result: The Editor crashes and "Unity Bug Reporter" window appears.

Expected result: The Editor should not crash when working on scriptable object.

Note: with some versions of Unity the crash might occur after a few steps, with some - after repeating these steps several times.

Reproduced with: 5.1.0f3, 5.2.4f1, 5.3.4f1, 5.3.5f1, 5.3.5p6, 5.4.0b24.

GIF attached.

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