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Fixed in 2017.4.0

Fixed in 2017.4.X, 2018.3.X



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Issue ID




Crash on DoRenderLoop if Scene View is open when opening Occlusion window



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project
2. Open the "FirstScene.unity" scene
3. Open the Occlusion window
4. Make sure both Scene View and Occlusion windows are open
5. Select "Visualisation" tab in the Occlusion window
6. If Unity didn't crash already, press "Bake" inside the Occlusion window
7. Swap around Occlusion tabs and select scene view.

Actual result: Unity crashes. (gif attached)

Reproducible with: 2019.1.0a9, 2018.3.0b10, 2018.2.16f1, 2018.1.9f2, 2017.4.15f1.

Fixed in: 2019.1.0a12, 2018.3.2f1, 2017.4.24f1

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2017.4.0):

    Fixed problem where the camera to be used for occlusion visualization was invalid for rendering but we went on with it and drew anyway.
    Will now fall back to the normal camera, and will give the user an error message.

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