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CPU Lightmapper with a lot of Indirect Samples results in blocky shadows when an object is partially obscured by other objects
How to reproduce:
1. Download the tester-submitted package(BugRepro)
2. Create a new Unity project
3. Import the package
4. Open BugScene and find the plane with the tree models
5. Open Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings
6. Make sure the following settings are selected:
- Lightmapper: Progressive CPU
- Indirect Samples: 100
- Bounces: 1 or more
7. Generate Lighting
Expected result: generated tree shadows are projected correctly
Actual result: generated tree shadows appear blocky
Reproducible with: 2018.4.1f1, 2019.1.4f1, 2019.2.0b3, 2019.3.0a3
Could not test with: 2017.4.27f1(Project incompatible)
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Resolution Note (2019.3.X):
This issue is caused by invalidated texels, which hit the back faces of the one-sided object. You can verify that by switching to Texel Validity view. To fix this, simply check Enable Double Sided Global Illumination for your one-sided material, in the material inspector.