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Compile Error in Visual effects graph



Repo steps:
# Open Unity Scene (HDRP)
# Go to Window > Visual Effects > Visual Effects Graph
# Name the Graph anything and double click it in the Project window
# Follow the video attached to this Bug

Expected Result: No errors in the console 

Actual Result: Compile error is visible in the console 


Reproducible with: 2021.3.12f1, 2022.2.13f1, 2023.1.0b14, 2023.2.0a12

Cant test with: 2020.3.46f1 (Functionality does not exist)

Platforms tested: Win 11



Unity cannot compile the VisualEffectAsset at path "Assets/New Graph.vfx" because of the following exception:

System.InvalidOperationException: The expression UnityEditor.VFX.VFXExpressionCastFloatToBool is not valid as it have the invalid flag: InvalidOnCPU

  at UnityEditor.VFX.VFXExpressionGraph.BuildMapper (UnityEditor.VFX.VFXContext context, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] dictionnary, UnityEditor.VFX.VFXDeviceTarget target) [0x0004c] in .\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.visualeffectgraph@15.0.5\Editor\Compiler\VFXExpressionGraph.cs:277 

  at UnityEditor.VFX.VFXExpressionGraph.BuildCPUMapper (UnityEditor.VFX.VFXContext context) [0x00000] in .\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.visualeffectgraph@15.0.5\Editor\Compiler\VFXExpressionGraph.cs:244 

  at UnityEditor.VFX.VFXGraphCompiledData.Compile (UnityEditor.VFX.VFXCompilationMode compilationMode, System.Boolean forceShaderValidation, System.Boolean enableShaderDebugSymbols, UnityEditor.VFX.VFXAnalytics analytics) [0x00441] in .\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.visualeffectgraph@15.0.5\Editor\Compiler\VFXGraphCompiledData.cs:1169 

UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ()

  1. Resolution Note:

    The error is actually expected.
    Load texture is GPU only and spawner context is evaluated on CPU. So no texture load can be used in Spawners.
    The error message is unclear but it was improved in newer versions

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