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"CommandBuffer" warning appears in 2D URP when having a Camera in a Stack list and enabled Post Processing



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project with a 2D URP template
2. In the Hierarchy window right-click > Camera
3. Select "Camera" GameObject and change Render Type to "Overlay"
4. Select "Main Camera" GameObject and add "Camera" to the Stack list
5. Enable Post Processing
6. Enter the Play Mode

Expected result: No warnings
Actual result: Warning appears: "CommandBuffer: temporary render texture _InternalGradingLut not found while executing (SetGlobalTexture) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)"

Reproducible with: 12.0.0 (2021.2.0b15), 12.1.2 (2021.2.7f1), 13.1.3 (2022.1.0b2)
Could not test with: 2019.4.34f1, 2020.3.25f1 2021.2.0a1 (No 2D URP template)

Note: Not reproducible in 3D URP template

  1. Resolution Note:

    There are no fixes planned for this Bug

Comments (3)


    Apr 25, 2022 17:57

    Same here as the other comments...

  2. cpthindsight

    Apr 23, 2022 15:31

    I can also confirm this issue. Cannot see anything that's not working but the warning doesn't disappear as described here.

  3. jsip

    Jan 04, 2022 22:54

    Can confirm. Everything seems to work but this warning never disappears unless you stop using stacks or disable post processing.

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