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CommandBuffer fails to copy the Point Lights' ShadowMaps into a RenderTexture



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "";
2. Open the "Default.unity" scene;
3. Select the Point light int the Hierarchy;
4. In the Inspector, go to the the shadowMapRenderTexture property in the CopyPointLightShadowCubemap and observe the shadowMap image;
5. Then select the Spot light in the Hierarchy;
6. Repeat the 4 step;

Expected results: both images of shadowMap will be the same;
Actual results: The Point light is depicted differently.

Note: the issue only appears on Point light, but Directional and Spot light work as expected.

Reproduced on: 5.6.0b3, 5.6.0a1, 5.5.0f3.
Not reproduced on: 5.4.1f1 due to errors in the console.

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