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Color Buffer returns resolved pixel sample values for partially covered pixels when RenderTextureDescriptor.BindMS is set to true



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached "" project
2. Open the "Assets/Scenes/SampleScene" scene
3. Enter the Play Mode
4. Do not move the camera and press the "t" key
5. Observe the Console Logs

Expected results: Color sample data values differ based on the part of a pixel
Actual results: Color sample data values are consistent across different parts of a pixel

Reproducible with: 2022.3.17f1, 2023.2.4f1, 2023.3.0b1
Could not test with: 2021.3.34f1(Could not resolve errors)

Reproducible on: Windows 11 Pro
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

- The first four values in each Console Log correspond to the pixel sample data
- "s0" and "s1" denote sample position
- The flag of RenderTextureCreationFlags.NoResolvedColorSurface is read-only, therefore it is not possible to manually stop the Color sample values from resolving

  1. Resolution Note:

    The issue isn't that RenderTextureDescriptor.BindMS is ignored, but that the camera color attachment has already been resolved by the time that the user uses it to blit into their 4x multisample texture.

    URP and other engine features (such as the frame debugger) currently relies on this auto-resolving of color surfaces to be done. Hence, URP can be modified to not auto-resolve the color surface by modifying the camera's color target to have the bindMS flag. However, this would require the user to handle their own resolve-pass and postprocessing.

    A workaround that didn't involve substantial changes to URP was provided to the user that introduces a separate draw pass that outputs to a 4x offscreen bindMS color target. Please reopen if the provided solution did not fit your needs and we can investigate further.

Comments (1)

  1. holtc2635

    Jan 04, 2024 22:56

    "I got a friend request, we talked for a few hours and when I found out he was a fraud, I ignored all his messages. I honestly wouldn't have suspected him if not for the exposure of a professional hacker whom I hired after realizing my Bitcoin wallet had been emptied. I sincerely don't know how, or why these fraudsters operate and if they know the pain and trauma they cause in the lives of their victims. When I found my wallet had been emptied, I nearly had a cardiac arrest, I am a 58-year-old taxi driver and I need money now more than ever. I resolved to find ways to recover the stolen money and that's when I found Cyber Genie Recovery Expert, These guys used their wild tech skills to help me trace and recover all that was stolen from me within a short period I hired them. I was really patient and understanding with them because, after a few sessions, I began to have my doubts, during these trial moments, Cyber Genie's team was very persuasive and encouraging. I am glad my doubts and fears never won because the recovery was a success at last. All hopes lost were restored, stolen money recovered, and created a lifetime relationship with Cyber Genie's team.
    -Wha sApp (+)(1_(_2_5_2_5_1_2_0_3_9_1)

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