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[External] Some of the key inputs does not work correctly in WebGL builds on Chrome



Steps to reproduce:

1. Open the attached project
2. Build and run the project on Chrome
3. Try clicking some of the keys, to see how the presses are logged
4. Try clicking '-', '=' or ';' keys, notice they are not recognized at all
5. Click 'Right Shift' and 'Right Alt' keys, notice the presses are logged, but it is not logged when you release these keys

Note: Reproducible only with Google Chrome browser, Mozilla Firefox works as expected.

Comments (1)

  1. ruudlenders

    May 11, 2015 21:07

    I'm having similar issues in Chrome WebGL. From what I've seen, pressing the '-', '=' and ';' key makes Input.GetButtonDown return true for all buttons. For example, if you assign the spacebar to "Jump", Input.GetButtonDown returns true not only when you press the spacebar, but also when you press the ";" key. This happens with all defined buttons, so if you were to assign the return key to "Fire 1", it would also trigger when pressing one of those mentioned keys.

    Another button that seems to have issues is the left '/' key (not right), however this button is not present on some keyboards. If it matters, I'm running Windows 8.1 64bit, having an U.S. (International) keyboard layout enabled.

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