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Fixed in 12.1.11, 14.0.7, 15.0.4
Found in [Package]
Issue ID
Changes made to the Shader Graph are not saved when "NullReferenceException" is thrown
How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project ""
2. Open Assets/ShaderGraph/UnlitGraph.shadergraph
3. Change "Built-in" and "Universal" materials to "Unlit" in the Graph Inspector>Graph Settings
4. Delete all greyed-out slots in the "Fragment" Node
5. Connect the output of "Sample Texture>Multiply" Node to "Base Color" of the "Fragment" Node
6. Click Save Asset at the upper left corner of the "UnlitGraph" window
7. Close the "UnlitGraph" window
8. Repeat step 2
Expected results: Changes made to "UnlitGraph" were saved
Actual results: Changes made to "UnlitGraph" were not saved
Reproducible with: 10.10.0 (2020.3.38f1), 12.1.7 (2021.3.8f1), 13.1.8 (2022.1.13f1), 14.0.3 (2022.2.0b5), 15.0.0 (2023.1.0a8)
Reproducible on: Windows 10
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Resolution Note (fix version 15.0.4):
Thank you for submitting this issue. The fix has been worked on and released on Unity version 2023.1.0b11 (15.0.4)
Resolution Note (fix version 14.0.7):
Thank you for submitting this issue. The fix has been worked on and released on Unity version 2022.2.14f1 (14.0.7)
Resolution Note (fix version 12.1.11):
Thank you for submitting this issue. The fix has been worked on and released on Unity version 2021.3.23f1 (12.1.11)