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Button text in the Editor fails to render properly on lower resolution displays when Bitmap Text Rendering Mode is selected



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new empty project
2. Open the Preferences window (Edit → Preferences…)
3. In the General tab, select the “Editor Default Text Rendering Mode” dropdown and choose “Bitmap”
4. Select the “GI Cache” tab
6. Observe the “Clean Cache” button

Expected result: The text looks sharp and clear
Actual result: Some letters fail to render properly

Reproducible in: 6000.0.7f1
Could not test with: 2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.34f1 (No Editor Default Text Rendering Mode present)

Reproducible on: Windows 10, Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested


* The text was rendered correctly on a 4K (3840x2160) display
* Reproduced on 2560x1440 and 1920x1080 resolution displays

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