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Under Consideration for 6000.0.X



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Build fails with Error "Shader error in 'Hidden/Core/ProbeVolumeFragmentationDebug': undeclared identifier 'unity_StereoEyeIndex" when building HDRP Scene with Oculus XR or OpenXR plug-in



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "ReproProj"
2. Open the “/Assets/OutdoorsScene.unity” Scene
3. Build and Run
4. Observe the Console window

Expected result: No Errors exist and the build finishes successfully
Actual result: Errors like “Shader error in 'Hidden/Core/ProbeVolumeFragmentationDebug': undeclared identifier 'unity_StereoEyeIndex'“ are present and/or build fails

Reproducible with: 6000.0.17f1
Could not test with: 2021.3.42f1, 2022.3.44f1 (Build fails with Error “BuildFailedException: GraphicSetting's HDRenderPipelineAsset Assets/Settings/HDRPDefaultResources/HDRenderPipelineAsset.asset is a non updated asset”. Updating with HDRP Wizard did not solve)

Reproducible on: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- Deleting the Library folder solves the issue
- Reproducible on a new project with 3D HDRP template after adding Oculus XR or OpenXR

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