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AssetPostprocessor is only applying the changes to the FBX but not to the prefabs that contain it

Scene Management


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project
2. Open Scenes/SampleScene/ CamraScene
3. Select "GasTank", and "GasTank Variant" in the Hierarchy in order to check the current components attached
4. Open Menu/Window/Support/Loop Importer window
5. Go to Project window/Assets/FBXBUGFOLDER/Tank
6. Select GasTank.fbx and drag it to Reimport Loop window/"Object to Import" field
7. Uncheck "Should Add Color Picker" and press Reimport button
8. Inspect the GasTank and GasTank Variant in the Hierarchy

Expected: Changes are added to both GasTank and GasTank Variant prefabs when Enabling/Disabling "Should Add Color Picker" and Reimporting the main FBX

Actual: AssetPostprocessor is only applying the changes to the FBX but not to the prefabs that contain it

Reproducible with: 2019.3.3f1, 2020.1.0a25

- The asset postprocessor is named as AnimationImport
- Could not test with earlier versions because of the thrown errors
- Error is thrown when testing with 2020.2.0a1

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