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Fixed in 2021.2.X

Fixed in 2020.3.X, 2021.1.X



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Issue ID




Artifact Dependency not setup when used with LazyLoadReference<>

Asset - Database


Artifact Dependency is not registered, when setup when using LazyLoadReference. In the attached project, a ScriptedImporter (for ".test" assets) is setting up an artifact dependency to asset reference that is to Hello.txt. The ScriptedImporter is configured to import before .txt assets and therefore the reference to Hello.txt isn't available during first import. In order to still be able to setup the artifact dependency, a LazyLoadReference to Hello.txt is used.

Repro steps:
1) Open project in attached project ''
2) Notice unexpected warning in console "Import of asset 'Assets/World.test' setup artifact dependency to 'Assets/Hello.txt' but dependency isn't used and therefore not registered in the asset database."
3) Change Hello.txt outside unity and give back unity focus.
4) Notice the World asset doesn't get reimported - dependency hasn't be setup.

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