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"ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null" exception is being thrown when modyfying Shader Graph

Package: Shader Graph


To reproduce:
1. Open the project “SGRefactor”
2. Open the Assets → ShaderGraph → UntilGraph
3. Try to modify the Graph somehow

Expected result: Graph is modified and saved successfully
Actual result: Graph can not be modified, and the “ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.” exception is being thrown

Reproducible with: 12.0.0 (2021.2.0b1), 12.1.7 (2021.3.6f1), 13.1.8 (2022.1.9f1), 14.0.3 (2022.2.0a18), 15.0.0 (2023.1.0a2)
Not reproducible with: 10.9.0 (2020.3.37f1), 12.0.0 (2021.2.0a15)
Could not test with: 2021.2.0a16, 2021.2.0a21 (KeyNotFoundException)

Reproduced on: macOS Monterey 12.4 (Intel)

- If you try to move a node, it gets stuck at the mouse and if you try to put it down, the same error is thrown.

  1. Resolution Note:

    Unable to reproduce the issue as described.

    It looks like the Shadergraph fails to import which means the saved shadergraph in the project is in a bad state with bad data. We would need repro steps describing how the user got into this bad state in order to address the issue.

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