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Fixed in 2017.3.0f3



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AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents does not trigger events correctly if Event array is not sorted by time



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached Unity Project "914186-SetAnimationEvents-Test".
2. Open Scene "Scene".
3. Open Window->Anim Event Viewer.
4. Drag the animation clip "Anim" into the object field there.
5. AnimEventViewer (step 3) shows the list of events currently attached to "Anim" in the order they appear in the array. Press Add Unsorted Animation Events to give them randomized timings.
6. Enter Play mode.

Expected result: The events will be triggered correctly in both sorted and unsorted mode.
Actual result: Passing an array of events unsorted by time to SetAnimationEvents causes the engine not to trigger these events properly (some are skipped - see Console).
Note: Animation events appear on the timeline regardless if the array is sorted or unsorted by time (screenshot "timeline.png" attached). Passing an unsorted array and then dragging one of the events anywhere on the timeline orders the Event array automatically and fixes the problem (gif "timeline.gif" attached).

Reproducible with: 5.5.2f1, 5.5.3f1, 5.6.1f1, 2017.1.0b7

Comments (1)

  1. Ember_Fyre

    Sep 29, 2017 06:36

    Happened to me 5.5.0p1. I was so confused until I debugged it and realized they were playing by the order in the array and not the time order.

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