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Fixed in 2020.1.X

Fixed in 2019.2.X, 2019.3.X



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[Animation Stream] binding AnimationStream handles on a nested "Humanoid" Animator hierarchy does not work



This issue now only occurs with Humanoid characters. Same issue on generic hierarchy was addressed with bug#1183581

As soon as you "parent" the Animator (with Humanoid Avatar) child of another GO in the scene, the is no runtime evaluation of the Animation Rigging constraint(s) and erros are generated in the console...
> Transform 'DefaultMale' not found in HumanDescription.
> System.InvalidOperationException: The TransformStreamHandle cannot be resolved.

1- Open scene 'Humanoid' in attached project.
2- Go in playmode.
Bug: no runtime evaluation of constraint and errors are generated in the console

If the 'DefaultMale' game object containing the Animator is indeed the top most parent in the hierarchy, everything works fine.
This prevents from having nested animated hierarchies which is something that works without using the Animation Stream.

Comments (4)

  1. mostafa3dblender

    Nov 17, 2020 23:05

    i dont know what is my problem i do as toturials say but animation rigging not work for me same as those tutorials showing

    and also for characters i make not working good at all
    they flying in space when i active new rig and still i dont know why

  2. ibernd

    Dec 26, 2019 09:38

    fixed in 2020.1.0a17

  3. nimravid

    Dec 19, 2019 20:11

    This bug still exists in Unity 2019.3.0f3 which is the latest 2019.3 release.
    NOTE: It is highly frustrating when an issue (this one or any other issue) is flagged as fixed in a particular release when that fix is not available for us to download. Can you guys please post the actual fix release number for these issues so that we can plan around the expected release date.

  4. AriaTLowMood

    Dec 02, 2019 17:26

    JUST leave IT ALONE!!

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